6 Important Food Assistance Programs You Need To Know for Seniors


Off-white Section Separator

Medicare Grocery Benefits

Medicare Grocery Benefits offers perks up to $900 on groceries. Some terms and conditions apply to this plan.

Source: Freepik

Off-white Section Separator

Senior Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program (SFMNP)

This scheme provides discount coupons for low-income seniors on fresh fruits and veggies available at farmers' markets.

Source: Freepik

Off-white Section Separator

Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP)

In this program, seniors below 130% of the Federal Poverty Line get monthly meal boxes with healthy staples.

Source: Freepik

Off-white Section Separator

SNAP Program

SNAP is an EBT card program that helps pay for food in grocery stores. It helps keep nutrition within budget!

Source: Freepik

Off-white Section Separator

Meals on Wheels

It delivers meal boxes to the doorstep for seniors to ensure nutritious meals and safety checks.

Source: Freepik

Off-white Section Separator

Congregate Meals Programs

This programs are available at centerns and senior facilities where elderly can bond over nutritious meals.

Source: Freepik

Source: Freepik

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